Source code for src.core.seq2seq.model

import os
import tqdm
import time
import logging
import numpy as np
from collections import defaultdict

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

from metrics import TextGenerationMetrics

[docs] class EncoderLSTMCell(nn.Module): """ Encoder LSTM Cell :param h_dim: Hidden state vector dimension :type h_dim: int :param inp_x_dim: Input vector dimension :type inp_x_dim: int """ def __init__(self, h_dim, inp_x_dim): super(EncoderLSTMCell, self).__init__() self.wf_dense = nn.Linear(h_dim, h_dim) self.uf_dense = nn.Linear(inp_x_dim, h_dim) self.wi_dense = nn.Linear(h_dim, h_dim) self.ui_dense = nn.Linear(inp_x_dim, h_dim) self.wo_dense = nn.Linear(h_dim, h_dim) self.uo_dense = nn.Linear(inp_x_dim, h_dim) self.wc_dense = nn.Linear(h_dim, h_dim) self.uc_dense = nn.Linear(inp_x_dim, h_dim)
[docs] def forward(self, ht_1, ct_1, xt): """ Forward propogation :param ht_1: Hidden state vector :type ht_1: torch.Tensor (batch_size, h_dim) :param ct_1: Cell stae vector :type ct_1: torch.Tensor (batch_size, h_dim) :param xt: Input vector :type xt: torch.Tensor (batch_size, embed_dim) :return: New hidden, cell states :rtype: tuple (torch.Tensor [batch_size, h_dim], torch.Tensor [batch_size, h_dim]) """ ft = nn.Sigmoid()(self.wf_dense(ht_1) + self.uf_dense(xt)) it = nn.Sigmoid()(self.wi_dense(ht_1) + self.ui_dense(xt)) ot = nn.Sigmoid()(self.wo_dense(ht_1) + self.uo_dense(xt)) ct_ = nn.Tanh()(self.wc_dense(ht_1) + self.uc_dense(xt)) ct = ft * ct_1 + it * ct_ ht = ot * nn.Tanh()(ct) return ht, ct
### LSTM Cell
[docs] class DecoderLSTMCell(nn.Module): """ Decode LSTM cell :param h_dim: Hidden state vector dimension :type h_dim: int :param inp_x_dim: Input vector dimension :type inp_x_dim: int :param out_x_dim: Output vector dimension :type out_x_dim: int """ def __init__(self, h_dim, inp_x_dim, out_x_dim): super(DecoderLSTMCell, self).__init__() self.wf_dense = nn.Linear(h_dim, h_dim) self.uf_dense = nn.Linear(inp_x_dim, h_dim) self.wi_dense = nn.Linear(h_dim, h_dim) self.ui_dense = nn.Linear(inp_x_dim, h_dim) self.wo_dense = nn.Linear(h_dim, h_dim) self.uo_dense = nn.Linear(inp_x_dim, h_dim) self.wc_dense = nn.Linear(h_dim, h_dim) self.uc_dense = nn.Linear(inp_x_dim, h_dim) self.xh_dense = nn.Linear(h_dim, out_x_dim)
[docs] def forward(self, ht_1, ct_1, xt): """ Forward propogation :param ht_1: Hidden state vector :type ht_1: torch.Tensor (batch_size, h_dim) :param ct_1: Cell stae vector :type ct_1: torch.Tensor (batch_size, h_dim) :param xt: Input vector :type xt: torch.Tensor (batch_size, embed_dim) :return: New hidden, cell states, output :rtype: tuple (torch.Tensor [batch_size, h_dim], torch.Tensor [batch_size, h_dim], torch.Tensor [batch_size, out_dim]) """ ft = nn.Sigmoid()(self.wf_dense(ht_1) + self.uf_dense(xt)) it = nn.Sigmoid()(self.wi_dense(ht_1) + self.ui_dense(xt)) ot = nn.Sigmoid()(self.wo_dense(ht_1) + self.uo_dense(xt)) ct_ = nn.Tanh()(self.wc_dense(ht_1) + self.uc_dense(xt)) ct = ft * ct_1 + it * ct_ ht = ot * nn.Tanh()(ct) yt = self.xh_dense(ht) return ht, ct, yt
[docs] class Seq2SeqEncoder(nn.Module): """ Seq2Seq Encoder :param config_dict: Config Params Dictionary :type config_dict: dict """ def __init__(self, config_dict): super(Seq2SeqEncoder, self).__init__() self.seq_len = config_dict["dataset"]["seq_len"] self.num_layers = config_dict["model"]["num_layers"] self.h_dims = config_dict["model"]["encoder_h_dim"] self.x_dims = config_dict["model"]["encoder_x_dim"] self.x_dims.append(2 * self.h_dims[-1]) num_src_vocab = config_dict["dataset"]["num_src_vocab"] embed_dim = config_dict["model"]["embed_dim"] self.src_embed_layer = nn.Embedding(num_src_vocab, embed_dim) self.enc_fwd_lstm_cells, self.enc_bwd_lstm_cells = [], [] self.enc_y_dense_layers = [] for i in range(self.num_layers): h_dim = self.h_dims[i] inp_x_dim, out_x_dim = self.x_dims[i], self.x_dims[i + 1] self.enc_fwd_lstm_cells.append(EncoderLSTMCell(h_dim, inp_x_dim)) self.enc_bwd_lstm_cells.append(EncoderLSTMCell(h_dim, inp_x_dim)) self.enc_y_dense_layers.append(nn.Linear(2 * h_dim, out_x_dim))
[docs] def forward(self, src): """ Forward propogation :param src: Source tokens :type src: torch.Tensor (batch_size, seq_len) :return: Predicted tokens, Hidden states :rtype: tuple (torch.Tensor [batch_size, seq_len, out_dim], torch.Tensor [batch_size, 2*h_dim]) """ self.num_samples = src.size(0) hts_fwd, cts_fwd = self.init_hidden(), self.init_hidden() hts_bwd, cts_bwd = self.init_hidden(), self.init_hidden() src_embed = self.src_embed_layer( yts = list(torch.transpose(src_embed, 1, 0)) for i in range(self.num_layers): hts_fwd_dict, hts_bwd_dict = defaultdict(), defaultdict() ht_fwd, ct_fwd = hts_fwd[i], cts_fwd[i] ht_bwd, ct_bwd = hts_bwd[i], cts_bwd[i] for j in range(self.seq_len): ht_fwd, ct_fwd = self.enc_fwd_lstm_cells[i](ht_fwd, ct_fwd, yts[j]) hts_fwd_dict[j] = ht_fwd ht_bwd, ct_bwd = self.enc_bwd_lstm_cells[i]( ht_bwd, ct_bwd, yts[self.seq_len - j - 1] ) hts_bwd_dict[self.seq_len - j - 1] = ht_bwd for w in range(self.seq_len): ht_fwd, ht_bwd = hts_fwd_dict[w], hts_bwd_dict[w] ht =[ht_fwd, ht_bwd], dim=-1) yt = self.enc_y_dense_layers[i](ht) yts[w] = yt return torch.stack(yts, dim=1), ht
[docs] def init_hidden(self): """ Initialized hidden states :return: List of hidden states :rtype: list """ hts = [ nn.init.kaiming_uniform_(torch.empty(self.num_samples, dim)) for dim in self.h_dims ] return hts
[docs] class Seq2SeqAttention(nn.Module): """ Seq2Seq Attention layer :param config_dict: Config Params Dictionary :type config_dict: dict """ def __init__(self, config_dict): super(Seq2SeqAttention, self).__init__() decoder_s_dim = 2 * config_dict["model"]["encoder_h_dim"][-1] encoder_y_dim = config_dict["model"]["encoder_x_dim"][-1] self.si_dense = nn.Linear(decoder_s_dim, decoder_s_dim) self.yi_dense = nn.Linear(encoder_y_dim, decoder_s_dim) self.attn_weights = nn.Linear(decoder_s_dim, 1)
[docs] def forward(self, si_1, yts): """ Forward Propogation :param si_1: Hidden state vector of decoder layer :type si_1: torch.Tensor (batch_size, 2*h_dim) :param yts: Encoder output vectors :type yts: torch.tensor (batch_size, seq_len, out_dim) :return: Attention weights, New hidden state vector :rtype: tuple (torch.Tensor [batch_size, seq_len], torch.Tensor [batch_size, 2*h_dim]) """ eij = self.attn_weights(self.si_dense(si_1.unsqueeze(1)) + self.yi_dense(yts)) eij = eij.squeeze(2).unsqueeze(1) weights = F.softmax(eij, dim=-1) si = torch.bmm(weights, yts).squeeze() return weights, si
[docs] class Seq2SeqDecoder(nn.Module): """ Seq2Seq Decoder :param config_dict: Config Params Dictionary :type config_dict: dict """ def __init__(self, config_dict): super(Seq2SeqDecoder, self).__init__() self.seq_len = config_dict["dataset"]["seq_len"] s_dim = 2 * config_dict["model"]["encoder_h_dim"][-1] decoder_x_dim = config_dict["model"]["encoder_x_dim"][-1] decoder_y_dim = config_dict["model"]["decoder_y_dim"] num_tgt_vocab = config_dict["dataset"]["num_tgt_vocab"] embed_dim = config_dict["model"]["embed_dim"] self.tgt_embed_layer = nn.Embedding(num_tgt_vocab, embed_dim) self.attn_layer = Seq2SeqAttention(config_dict) self.dec_lstm_cell = DecoderLSTMCell(s_dim, decoder_x_dim, decoder_y_dim) self.tgt_word_classifier = nn.Linear(decoder_y_dim, num_tgt_vocab)
[docs] def forward(self, encoder_yts, encoder_h, tgt=None): """ Forward propogation :param encoder_yts: Encoder Output vectors :type encoder_yts: torch.Tensor (batch_size, seq_len, out_dim) :param encoder_h: Encoder final hidden vectors :type encoder_h: torch.Tensor (batch_size, seq_len, 2*h_dim) :param tgt: Target vectors, defaults to None :type tgt: torch.Tensor (batch_size, seq_len), optional :return: Final predictions, Attention weights :rtype: tuple (torch.Tensor [batch_size, seq_len, num_tgt_vocab], list) """ batch_size = encoder_yts.size(0) if tgt is None: sos_token = 2 * torch.ones(batch_size, 1).to(torch.long) yt = self.tgt_embed_layer(sos_token)[:, 0, :] else: tgt_embeds = self.tgt_embed_layer( yt = tgt_embeds[:, 0, :] st = encoder_h pts = [] attn_weights = [] for i in range(self.seq_len): weights, ct = self.attn_layer(st, encoder_yts) st, ct, yt = self.dec_lstm_cell(st, ct, yt) yt = self.tgt_word_classifier(yt) # pt = nn.Softmax()(yt)[:, None, :] pt = yt[:, None, :] pts.append(pt) attn_weights.append(weights) if i >= self.seq_len - 1: break if tgt is not None: yt = tgt_embeds[:, i + 1, :] else: yt = yt.argmax(axis=1) yt = self.tgt_embed_layer( return torch.concat(pts, dim=1), attn_weights
[docs] class Seq2SeqModel(nn.Module): """ Seq2Seq Model Architecture :param config_dict: Config Params Dictionary :type config_dict: dict """ def __init__(self, config_dict): super(Seq2SeqModel, self).__init__() self.encoder = Seq2SeqEncoder(config_dict) self.decoder = Seq2SeqDecoder(config_dict)
[docs] def forward(self, src, tgt=None): """ Forward propogation :param src: Source tokens :type src: torch.Tensor (batch_size, seq_len) :param tgt: _Target tokens, defaults to None :type tgt: torch.Tensor (batch_size, seq_len), optional :return: Final predictions, Attention weights :rtype: tuple (torch.Tensor [batch_size, seq_len, num_tgt_vocab], list) """ encoder_yts, encoder_h = self.encoder(src) tgt_probs, attn_weights = self.decoder(encoder_yts, encoder_h, tgt) return tgt_probs, attn_weights
[docs] class Seq2SeqTrainer(nn.Module): """ Seq2Seq Trainer :param model: Seq2Seq model :type model: torch.nn.Module :param optimizer: Optimizer :type optimizer: torch.optim :param config_dict: Config Params Dictionary :type config_dict: dict """ def __init__(self, model, optimizer, config_dict): super(Seq2SeqTrainer, self).__init__() self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.model = model self.optim = optimizer self.config_dict = config_dict self.metric_cls = TextGenerationMetrics(config_dict) self.eval_metric = config_dict["train"]["eval_metric"]
[docs] def train_one_epoch(self, data_loader, epoch): """ Train step :param data_loader: Train Data Loader :type data_loader: :param epoch: Epoch number :type epoch: int :return: Train Loss, Train Metrics :rtype: tuple (torch.float32, dict) """ self.model.train() total_loss, num_instances = 0, 0 y_true, y_pred = [], [] f"-----------Epoch {epoch}/{self.config_dict['train']['epochs']}-----------" ) pbar = tqdm.tqdm( enumerate(data_loader), total=len(data_loader), desc="Training" ) for batch_id, (src, tgt) in pbar: tgt = tgt_hat, attn_weights = self.model(src, tgt) loss = self.calc_loss(tgt_hat, tgt) loss.backward() self.optim.step() self.optim.zero_grad() total_loss += loss num_instances += tgt.size(0) y_true.append(tgt.cpu().detach().numpy()) y_pred.append(tgt_hat.cpu().detach().numpy()) train_loss = total_loss / num_instances y_true = np.concatenate(y_true, axis=0) y_pred = np.concatenate(y_pred, axis=0) train_metrics = self.metric_cls.get_metrics(y_true, y_pred) return train_loss, train_metrics
[docs] @torch.no_grad() def val_one_epoch(self, data_loader): """ Validation step :param data_loader: Validation Data Loader :type data_loader: :return: Validation Loss, Validation Metrics :rtype: tuple (torch.float32, dict) """ self.model.eval() total_loss, num_instances = 0, 0 y_true, y_pred = [], [] pbar = tqdm.tqdm( enumerate(data_loader), total=len(data_loader), desc="Validation" ) for batch_id, (src, tgt) in pbar: tgt = tgt_hat, attn_weights = self.model(src, tgt) loss = self.calc_loss(tgt_hat, tgt) total_loss += loss num_instances += tgt.size(0) y_true.append(tgt.cpu().detach().numpy()) y_pred.append(tgt_hat.cpu().detach().numpy()) val_loss = total_loss / num_instances y_true = np.concatenate(y_true, axis=0) y_pred = np.concatenate(y_pred, axis=0) val_metrics = self.metric_cls.get_metrics(y_true, y_pred) return val_loss, val_metrics
[docs] @torch.no_grad() def predict(self, data_loader): """ Runs inference to predict a translation of soruce sentence :param data_loader: Infer Data loader :type data_loader: :return: Predicted tokens :rtype: numpy.ndarray (num_samples, seq_len, num_tgt_vocab) """ self.model.eval() y_pred = [] pbar = tqdm.tqdm( enumerate(data_loader), total=len(data_loader), desc="Inference" ) for batch_id, src in pbar: tgt_hat, attn_weights = self.model(src[0]) y_pred.append(tgt_hat.cpu().detach().numpy()) y_pred = np.concatenate(y_pred, axis=0) return y_pred
[docs] def fit(self, train_loader, val_loader): """ Fits the model on dataset. Runs training and Validation steps for given epochs and saves best model based on the evaluation metric :param train_loader: Train Data loader :type train_loader: :param val_loader: Validaion Data Loader :type val_loader: :return: Training History :rtype: dict """ num_epochs = self.config_dict["train"]["epochs"] output_folder = self.config_dict["paths"]["output_folder"] best_val_metric = np.inf history = defaultdict(list) start = time.time() for epoch in range(1, num_epochs + 1): train_loss, train_metrics = self.train_one_epoch(train_loader, epoch) val_loss, val_metrics = self.val_one_epoch(val_loader) history["train_loss"].append(float(train_loss.detach().numpy())) history["val_loss"].append(float(val_loss.detach().numpy())) for key in train_metrics.keys(): history[f"train_{key}"].append(train_metrics[key]) history[f"val_{key}"].append(val_metrics[key])"Train Loss : {train_loss} - Val Loss : {val_loss}") for key in train_metrics.keys(): f"Train {key} : {train_metrics[key]} - Val {key} : {val_metrics[key]}" ) if val_metrics[self.eval_metric] <= best_val_metric: f"Validation {self.eval_metric} score improved from {best_val_metric} to {val_metrics[self.eval_metric]}" ) best_val_metric = val_metrics[self.eval_metric] self.model.state_dict(), os.path.join(output_folder, ""), ) else: f"Validation {self.eval_metric} score didn't improve from {best_val_metric}" ) end = time.time() time_taken = end - start "Training completed in {:.0f}h {:.0f}m {:.0f}s".format( time_taken // 3600, (time_taken % 3600) // 60, (time_taken % 3600) % 60 ) )"Best Val {self.eval_metric} score: {best_val_metric}") return history
[docs] def calc_loss(self, y_pred, y_true): """ Crossentropy loss for predicted tokens :param y_pred: Predicted tokens :type y_pred: torch.Tensor (batch_size, seq_len, num_vocab) :param y_true: True tokens :type y_true: torch.Tensor (batch_size, seq_len) :return: BCE Loss :rtype: torch.float32 """ y_pred = torch.flatten(y_pred, end_dim=1) y_true = torch.flatten(y_true) y_true = F.one_hot( y_true, num_classes=self.config_dict["dataset"]["num_tgt_vocab"] ).to(torch.float) loss_fn = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduce="sum") return loss_fn(y_pred, y_true)