Source code for src.preprocess.utils

import re
import nltk
import logging
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
from nltk.stem.snowball import SnowballStemmer
from nltk.corpus import stopwords"stopwords")

[docs] def preprocess_text(text, operations=None): """ Preprocesses Text :param text: string to preprocess :type text: str :param operations: List of operations from {'lcase', 'remalpha', 'stopwords', 'stemming'}, defaults to None :type operations: list, optional :return: Preprocessed text :rtype: str """ if "lcase" in operations or operations is None: # Lowercases text text = text.lower() if "remalpha" in operations or operations is None: # Removes Alpha Numeric characters text = re.sub(r"\W+", " ", text) if "stopwords" in operations or operations is None: # Removes Stopwords swords = stopwords.words("english") text = " ".join([word for word in text.split() if word not in swords]) if "stemming" in operations or operations is None: # Reducing words to their stem snowball = SnowballStemmer(language="english") text = " ".join([snowball.stem(word) for word in text.split()]) return text
[docs] class BytePairEncoding: """ Byte Pair Encoding Algorithm to convert a corpus to tokens :param config_dict: Config Params Dictionary :type config_dict: dict """ def __init__(self, config_dict): self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.num_vocab = ( config_dict["dataset"]["num_vocab"] - config_dict["dataset"]["num_extra_tokens"] ) self.operations = config_dict["preprocess"]["operations"]
[docs] def fit(self, text_ls): """ Fits BPE on List of sentences and Transforms into words :param text_ls: List of sentences :type text_ls: list :return: List of words :rtype: list """ words = self.preprocess(text_ls) words = self.run_merge(words) return words
[docs] def transform(self, text_ls): """ Transforms list of sentences into words :param text_ls: List of sentences :type text_ls: list :return: List of words :rtype: list """ words = self.preprocess(text_ls, "test") vocab = list(self.vocab_freq.keys()) for i, word in enumerate(words): words[i] = self.merge_chars(word, vocab) return words
[docs] def merge_chars(self, word, vocab): """ Merging characters in a word if it's concatenation present in vocabulary :param word: Word :type word: str :param vocab: Vocabulary :type vocab: list :return: new word with merged characters :rtype: str """ merge = True while merge: tokens = word.split() merge_count = 0 for j in range(len(tokens) - 1): pair_ = (tokens[j], tokens[j + 1]) best_chars = re.escape(" ".join(pair_)) replace = re.compile(r"(?<!\S)" + best_chars + r"(?!\S)") if "".join(pair_) in vocab: word = replace.sub("".join(pair_), word) merge_count += 1 break if merge_count == 0: merge = False return word
[docs] def preprocess(self, text_ls, data="train"): """ Creating words from list of sentences. Words are created by adding space between each character and adding </w> at the end. :param text_ls: List od sentences :type text_ls: list :param data: {'train', 'test'} Type of data, defaults to "train" :type data: str, optional :return: List of words from all the sentences in one list :rtype: list """ corpus = " ".join(text_ls) words = corpus.split() words = [" ".join(list(w)) + " </w>" for w in words] if data == "train": self.vocab_freq = Counter(list(corpus)) del self.vocab_freq[" "] self.vocab_freq["</w>"] = len(words) return words
[docs] def get_stats(self, words): """ Creates a dictionary with pair of consecutive characters as key and corresponding count in corpus as value :param words: List of words from the corpus :type words: list :return: Dictionary with pairs of characters and frequency :rtype: dict """ words_freq = Counter(words) pair_dict = defaultdict(int) for word, freq in words_freq.items(): chars = word.split() for i in range(len(chars) - 1): pair_dict[(chars[i], chars[i + 1])] += freq return pair_dict
[docs] def build_vocab(self, words): """ Generates Vocabulary after updation of words by merging characters :param words: List of words :type words: list :return: List of updated words :rtype: list """ pair_dict = self.get_stats(words) best_pair = max(pair_dict, key=pair_dict.get) best_pair_count = pair_dict[best_pair] self.vocab_freq["".join(best_pair)] = best_pair_count self.vocab_freq[best_pair[0]] -= best_pair_count self.vocab_freq[best_pair[1]] -= best_pair_count if self.vocab_freq[best_pair[0]] == 0: del self.vocab_freq[best_pair[0]] if self.vocab_freq[best_pair[1]] == 0: del self.vocab_freq[best_pair[1]] best_chars = re.escape(" ".join(best_pair)) replace = re.compile(r"(?<!\S)" + best_chars + r"(?!\S)") for i, word in enumerate(words): words[i] = replace.sub("".join(best_pair), word) return words
[docs] def run_merge(self, words): """ Updates vocabulary until desired Vocabulary count is reached :param words: List of words :type words: list :return: List of updated final words :rtype: list """"Merging characters to achieve desired vocabulary") while len(self.vocab_freq) < self.num_vocab: words = self.build_vocab(words) return words
[docs] class WordPiece: """ WordPiece Tokenization Algorithm to tokenize a corpus and generate Vocabulary :param config_dict: Config Params Dictionary :type config_dict: dict """ def __init__(self, config_dict): self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.num_vocab = ( config_dict["dataset"]["num_vocab"] - config_dict["dataset"]["num_extra_tokens"] ) self.operations = config_dict["preprocess"]["operations"]
[docs] def fit(self, text_ls): """ Fits WordPiece on List of sentences and Transforms the words :param text_ls: List of sentences :type text_ls: list :return: List of words :rtype: list """ corpus = self.preprocess(text_ls) corpus = self.run_merge(corpus) return corpus
[docs] def transform(self, text_ls): """ Transforms list of sentences into words :param text_ls: List of sentences :type text_ls: list :return: List of words :rtype: list """ corpus = self.preprocess(text_ls, "test") vocab = list(self.vocab_freq.keys()) for i, word in enumerate(corpus): corpus[i] = self.merge_chars(word, vocab) return corpus
[docs] def merge_chars(self, word, vocab): """ Merging characters in a word if it's concatenation present in vocabulary :param word: Word :type word: str :param vocab: Vocabulary :type vocab: list :return: new word with merged characters :rtype: str """ j = 0 while j < len(word) - 1: ch1, ch2 = word[j], word[j + 1] new_ch = self.combine((ch1, ch2)) if new_ch in vocab: word = word[:j] + [new_ch] + word[j + 2 :] else: j += 1 return word
[docs] def preprocess(self, text_ls, data="train"): """ Creating words from list of sentences. Words are created by adding ## at start each character (other than first character). :param text_ls: List od sentences :type text_ls: list :param data: {'train', 'test'} Type of data, defaults to "train" :type data: str, optional :return: List of words from all the sentences in one list. Each word is a list of characters :rtype: list """ words = " ".join(text_ls).split() corpus = [] self.vocab_freq = defaultdict() for word in words: chars = [] for i, ch in enumerate(word): if i != 0: ch = f"##{ch}" chars.append(ch) if data == "train": self.vocab_freq[ch] = self.vocab_freq.get(ch, 0) + 1 corpus.append(chars) return corpus
[docs] def get_stats(self, corpus): """ Creates a dictionary with pair of consecutive characters as key and corresponding count in corpus as value :param corpus: List of words :type corpus: list :return: Dictionary with pairs of characters and frequency :rtype: dict """ pair_freq = defaultdict(int) for corp in corpus: if len(corp) == 1: continue for i in range(len(corp) - 1): pair_freq[(corp[i], corp[i + 1])] += 1 return pair_freq
[docs] def get_likelihood(self, pair, pair_freq): """ Calculates likelihood of two characters being consecutive in a corpus :param pair: Pair of characters :type pair: tuple :param pair_freq: Dictionary with pairs of characters and frequency :type pair_freq: dict :return: Likelihood (can be a value in [0, 1]) :rtype: float """ p12 = pair_freq[pair] p1, p2 = self.vocab_freq[pair[0]], self.vocab_freq[pair[1]] lkhd = p12 / (p1 * p2) return lkhd
[docs] def combine(self, pair): """ Combines pair of characters based on their location in a word by removing ## :param pair: Pair of characters :type pair: tuple :return: Combination of characters :rtype: str """ token1, token2 = pair return token1 + token2[2:] if token2.startswith("##") else token1 + token2
[docs] def build_vocab(self, corpus): """ Generates Vocabulary after updation of words by merging characters :param corpus: List of words :type corpus: list :return: List of updated corpus :rtype: list """ pair_freq = self.get_stats(corpus) best_pair = max( pair_freq.keys(), key=lambda x: self.get_likelihood(x, pair_freq) ) new_ch = self.combine(best_pair) best_pair_count = pair_freq[best_pair] for i, corp in enumerate(corpus): if len(corp) == 1: continue j = 0 while j < len(corp) - 1: if (corp[j], corp[j + 1]) == best_pair: corp = corp[:j] + [new_ch] + corp[j + 2 :] else: j += 1 corpus[i] = corp self.vocab_freq[new_ch] = best_pair_count self.vocab_freq[best_pair[0]] -= best_pair_count self.vocab_freq[best_pair[1]] -= best_pair_count if self.vocab_freq[best_pair[0]] == 0: del self.vocab_freq[best_pair[0]] if best_pair[0] != best_pair[1]: if self.vocab_freq[best_pair[1]] == 0: del self.vocab_freq[best_pair[1]] return corpus
[docs] def run_merge(self, corpus): """ Updates vocabulary until desired Vocabulary count is reached :param corpus: List of corpus :type corpus: list :return: List of updated final corpus :rtype: list """ if len(self.vocab_freq) < self.num_vocab: while len(self.vocab_freq) < self.num_vocab: corpus = self.build_vocab(corpus) else: while len(self.vocab_freq) > self.num_vocab: corpus = self.build_vocab(corpus) return corpus